"The world breaks everyone, and afterwards, some are strong at the broken places."- Ernest Hemingway

Saturday, February 18, 2012


There are some dreams that I have had for my life and imagined I'd always have. For a few of them, it does not appear that they will turn out as I'd expected. But as I am coming to learn, it is not about what I expect. It's about my purpose; and only God knows what that is.

I am sooooo excited to have an opportunity coming up in front of me. It's an opportunity to put many of the best skills I possess into action. Where I would have imagined that these skills would have been used in a different circumstance, I understand more now why they haven't been. I will soon be committing to a weekly volunteer position directly involved with young children and women in crisis. One on one. OMG! It thrills me. I can't wait. I can't wait to listen, to care, to mother, to hold, to love. I can't wait to weep, to cry, to laugh, and to smile for others. I can't wait to shine a light into the lives of those experiencing their darkest times.

While I know this road will be tough, I am eager. I know the time commitment - with tending to my family, being in school full time and working full time- will be tough. At least I don't have to worry about a social life; this time commitment will pretty much absorb any chance of that :-) Which truly is completely fine by me.

To be entrusted with another's pain is such a gift. I am a sponge and an absorber. It's been my blessing and my curse. I have left jobs and I have left relationships because of it. My niche and my strength is in my empathy for people in pain. Some people like to fix cars. I like to fix people. The only catch is, everyday people don't like to see themselves as broken. But if I place myself in the arena FOR those that are broken and in crisis, I will excel. I want to work with the broken...the deepest of those in our society. I want to work with prison inmates, or adolescents in crisis units, or schizophrenics. Abnormal behavior fascinates me. But until I know what I am doing for those with biological basis for their illnesses, I will be so blessed to work with those in deeply unfortunate life circumstances.

I ask that the Lord guide and protect me. I ask that He give me the right words to say to those looking to me to say them. I ask that the Lord continue to place me exactly where He needs me in order to do His work. And above all, I thank Him. For though I find frustration in my normal day to day tasks that appear to not be serving mankind in any great capacity, only He knows that by leading me to this opportunity and by broadening my own ideas of what I thought I needed, He knows exactly what He is doing.


Sunday, February 5, 2012

You and I

It's come to my attention that the post I wrote below on my feelings about my father's death has been very beneficial to some people who have read it.

I am so glad, for that was my entire goal in opening myself up to the vulnerability and the pain. Thank you for reaching out to me, whether through a friend or directly.

None of us are alone.