"The world breaks everyone, and afterwards, some are strong at the broken places."- Ernest Hemingway

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

RW Emerson

finish each day and be done
with it. you have done what you
could. some blunders and
absurdities have crept in;
forget them as soon as you can.
tomorrow is a new day. you shall
begin it serenely and with too
high a spirit to be encumbered
with your old nonsense.

A few things I really appreciate about this. First, the person I recently sent it to.

Second, I love that this quote blames no one. It allows a person to take responsibility for whatever may have happened through the course of the day. It blames the nonsense and absurdities on no one. It points no fingers. It directs inward. There is no 'poor me', or comments on what the world owes this person for the blunders they experienced. It is empowering in that we are granted a new day, each day, to let God fulfill His plan through us by learning from our mistakes and moving forward.

Finally, I love the idea that tomorrow brings with it a sense of new hope. New beginnings, new sunrises, fresh hope, and high spirits. A serene spirit. It is hopeful and positive. Optimistic, not pessimistic. Forgiving, not condemning. Encouraging, not humiliating. Genuine, not concocted. Decisive, not lingering.

It is all of the things people around us that we let into our lives should be for us. But most of all, and of the highest importance, it is who we should be to ourselves.

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