"The world breaks everyone, and afterwards, some are strong at the broken places."- Ernest Hemingway

Saturday, November 12, 2011


Today I noticed for the first time this year, that the trees have begun their winter transition. California gets a small taste of what is apparently mind blowing back east- the transition from green trees to the brilliant colors of red, orange, and yellow. Since the California trees are all I've known for most of my life, I don't have anything else to compare the winter color changes to and I find it to be extraordinary, every year. Expect some picture results of my grabbing my camera and a mocha and heading out to take some shots of these beautiful trees in the near future.

It made me think of change. Around us at this time of year is so much change. The nights become longer, the house becomes colder, seasonal tastes change from summer fuity flavors to warm rich flavors- and as a popular icon of American culture, the Starbucks cups change from the white with green to the red with white snowflakes. Ah, how the Pavlovian responses crowd those Starbucks stores with people scrambling for a taste of gingerbread or peppermint mochas.

Change is so constant. Not only in our lives but mirrored by the natural world around us. But why? What's the point? Why change? Naturally, the answer is: to grow. To shed the old and bring in the new. To keep learning, evolving, and hopefully- progressing. But again- WHY? What's the point?

I've been keeping some interesting company lately: psychology students. And in these students are a few atheists and some quasi Christians. And then me. Discussions have been phenomenal. Eye opening. Revealing. I've had myself corrected, challenged and (somewhat) philosophically lifted off my pedestal into thinking maybe ... just maybe, I have been wrong.

Before you get excited- of course, I have discovered I am NOT wrong in my convictions and beliefs. But it is completely titillating to be challenged by people wiser, more experienced, and less impressed with myself, than myself. Humbling. Addicting. Truthful. Insightful.

So again- I ask. Why change? An atheist might say that it's strictly a matter of biology and propagation of the species; man's only purpose. A devout religious believer would say it is the purpose of our Lord to constantly evolve us to serve God and His purposes. And I guess I say: it's for a purpose beyond what I can know or understand. I believe that change is growth. I believe that if we stay the same and stagnant, then we remain the same and stagnant. I believe we are each here on Earth for the purpose of furthering our soul's evolution and ultimate potential. Why?

I don't know. And I don't think I need to know. I don't think I need to make something up as a way of separating all that is good about me into a being outside of me. I believe all that is good of me lives within me, including my potential for greatness and kindness in this world. If I do not stumble, if I do not fall or cry or make mistakes or tumble violently downhill- I do not have the chance to pick myself up. I do not have the chance to make myself better- to change and to evolve.

Nothing good stays the same.

Make sure, this winter- you look up. There is brilliance in the trees.

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