"The world breaks everyone, and afterwards, some are strong at the broken places."- Ernest Hemingway

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanks and Giving

As promised, below are some shots I took while out on a photography session. The trees have been losing their brilliant fall colors and I knew I had to get out and catch them before all of the leaves fell, exposing bare winter branches. Below are a few of my favorite shots.

The blending of two colors...the leaning in of the trees over a large and expansive walkway...the solitude of this picture yet the completeness of it. Ya- I love it.

I have always enjoyed filling a lens with complete color. From left to right, from top to bottom- rich, full- bodied color. And this orange just took my breath away.

This reminded me a bit of cranberry orange bread. I think I've had that before...around holiday time. I remember it being good...but this was so much better :). And less caloric.

Color. Color. And color.

I wanted to focus here on what was beyond the leaves directly in front of me. I wanted to focus towards something farther away. This is a metaphor-picture for me. I sometimes want to let what may be in front of me right this minute fade and blur...so that I can focus on all of the beautiful things waiting ahead.

This Thanksgiving has been different for me this year. Different than ever before. I am thankful and I have enjoyed giving of myself and my cooking today. The neighbors should have a belly full of home made mashed potatoes from scratch, sausage apple stuffing and of course, a 20 lb turkey which took about 8 hours to cook. I think I will smell turkey for about a week in my hair.

Thanks and giving. May the same be true for you today.

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