"The world breaks everyone, and afterwards, some are strong at the broken places."- Ernest Hemingway

Sunday, June 12, 2011

It's Lovely, This Land

I want you to know, I noticed you today. I knew you were with me...and in such a remarkable way. I was out on my own (which I know I shouldn't be...) on a hike. I had planned a route for myself but I was tempted. I came to a fork in the trail and saw a very steep path leading up and around a bend. Something about me: I will always take the hard road that rewards me in the end with a view. Hmm...sounds like a life metaphor waiting to happen.

This path was so so steep- I started to actually engage in self-talk to encourage myself to go all the way up. I just knew something great awaited me; if even just the satisfaction that I had chosen to make it. I got to the summit and it was breathtaking. 360 degree views stretching two counties and as a sweet cherry on top, an unobstructed view of the waxing moon. The breeze kicked up and I felt like floating. I was listening to my iPod and decided to find a song to compliment the beauty and awe of nature I felt around me. I prayed a silent prayer: "God, I am listening. Bring me to a song that you would like to have meaning for me in this moment".

One second later, the song had been chosen. It was the song I always choose when I want to feel close to you. It is a song you loved and that you would know in the first few notes. It is a song God chose for me, from you, to hear at that moment when all of my thoughts had settled and room was in my mind to encompass you.

So I listened. And I cried. And I smiled. I felt the breeze and imagined it was you touching my hair; talking to me; counseling me. You are always on my mind. Time has not healed the wounds. I do not think it ever shall. I took a picture to capture my view in that moment. It's below and does little to show everything that I saw.

I kept hiking. I saw ahead a few people who had come up from the other side of the trail, sitting and talking. Because I am constantly testing fate, I decided that perhaps another amazing coincidence would happen. I silenced my iPod and as I walked by them, one of them said something pretty much exactly as you would have. It was even about something you used to talk about. That was good enough "proof" for me.

You were with me today. In fact, I am constantly reminded that you are with me always. This picture and these lyrics, from your song, are for you- Dad.

Almighty Freedom
Almighty freer of the soul
Be free
Walk with me
Through the golden fields
So lovely
We regret our sins, but...
We sew our own fate and
Under my face I remain feeble
Under my face, I smile
Even alone/afraid
Under my face I will be waiting
Run with me now soldier of Rome
Run and play in the field with the ponies
Run with me now soldier of Rome
Run and play in the field with the ponies
Run with me now soldier of Rome
Run and play in the field with the ponies
Run with me now soldier of Rome
Run and play in the field with the ponies
Almighty Freedom
Almighty freeer of the soul
Be free
Be free
And imagine
Free with peace at last
It's lovely
It's lovely, this land
No one can believe or understand
How far I came just for my lovely family
I should have been there
with them when the world crashed down
But now they rest with me.
I'll never forget
How I felt that moment
I became free.

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