"The world breaks everyone, and afterwards, some are strong at the broken places."- Ernest Hemingway

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Adversity? No, thanks. I'll pass. Oh wait-  I don't get a choice.

Sometimes, I just want to hit the Escape key. Some things feel too big to take. Some things feel too heavy, too burdensome, too scary, too unknown. I just had a birthday...and it occurred to me that I am no longer 19. When did THAT happen? And why do I still feel like I am? Does that feeling ever leave? Should it?

I don't want to deal with what I am facing. I want to throw a fit and yell until someone comes and helps me and takes it all away. In reality, sometimes I just want to Escape.

Personal Escape for me will look like this: prayer, meditation, runs and hikes, reading God's word and also reading The Hunger Games. God, I love that series.
It looks like writing poetry, blogging, escaping into music and in to all that is beautiful in my life.

Somewhere along those pathways, I pray I will begin to understand this life. And my purpose in it.

My strength is made perfect in weakness.  ~II Corinthians

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