"The world breaks everyone, and afterwards, some are strong at the broken places."- Ernest Hemingway

Sunday, July 24, 2011

My Brother

My brother is wonderful. Not only does he answer me in texts simply by saying "Wurd" (spelled as such), but he really is a very special guy. He is real. He is funny. He is witty and very smart. He is 6 foot 9 inches. And after several years, I finally learned what he actually does for a living (Chief of Engineering- still vague but better than telling people he made software parts).

We went for a hike together with Betsy Rue, his puppy, down in San Jose. He mapped out our course and emailed me a few trail choices last week. My brother also is a planner and he thinks ahead. He learned that from our dad. I chose the tougher trail- I was up for it and am somewhat of an experienced hiker. We rocked it. He let me borrow his hiking pole, which after I bent over it and grabbed my back like an elderly woman (making him laugh), actually proved to be a helluva asset. Without it, my thighs would have been screaming. More than they were.

I knew when we reached a communication tower that we had hiked high. We had hiked well and we had hiked high. I followed my brother's lead by learning from him how to use the hiking pole and when to take breaks. We both had times when we were out of breath- the only sound between us the digging of our poles and our feet in the trail moving in unison. It was great.

Siblings are the only people who really know what it was like to be raised in our families. My brother and I both spoke of my dad a few times; something we thought he'd say or perhaps would have done. We saw a quail and my brother said "them good eatin's, as dad would say...". I never heard my dad say that. My brother was a lot closer to my dad and it is wonderful to learn more about him through my brother.

I am not going to get overly analytical or emotional about the hike. I could- easily. Suffice it to say- it was very meaningful to me. It was special and unique and I would have done that whole loop again if it meant I could have spent more precious time with him.

Plus, I learned his Ford Raptor was made especially for him- over 6 months built to his specifications and then shipped to him from factory. Excuse me, but that seriously completes him as The Bomb. In my eyes.

A Brother is a Friend, Given by Nature.

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