"The world breaks everyone, and afterwards, some are strong at the broken places."- Ernest Hemingway

Sunday, July 3, 2011

The 4th

I don't know what I was thinking trying to go to bed early on July 3rd. I was laying here alone feeling hot and uncomfortable in no small part due to the fact that my back has been singed red compliments of Stinson Beach and my bathing suit. Just when I finagled into a manageable position, a fireworks show in the distance has started. I hear it right now. Loud, thunderous booms. Through the fog of my fatigue from a long ass day in the car and at the beach, and despite my minor irritation that I can enjoy all the loudness of the local fireworks show without the joy of actually SEEING it, I decided what the hell- I'm up anyway, let's have a little write.

I feel lucky. Lucky that all of those booms and threatening sounds in the future are because of our independence and our freedom from other oppressive nations. That in other parts of the world, similar loud sounds are being heard as a result of gunfire, bombs, war, crime and ultimately, of death. What an incredible paradox. And all I did was be born here. That's it. I've not worked for this freedom. But I certainly do enjoy it.

Just the other day I heard a news story of a group of women in another country who were ARRESTED for driving. Arrested! For driving!! The sense of independence I feel when I am driving a car is a sense some women in this world will never have the privilege of feeling.

I am lucky to choose to gather and worship in a service to honor my God and Lord. Millions of people have been and continue to be imprisoned and murdered for their similar actions or even for their stated desires to do the same thing I am able to do without persecution.

So as I try to figure out how to twist my arms backwards to get this damn aloe vera "cooling" gel on my lobster back, I must admit: I am feeling lucky tonight.
God Bless you and God Bless America.

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