"The world breaks everyone, and afterwards, some are strong at the broken places."- Ernest Hemingway

Sunday, July 17, 2011


I noticed something today. My daughter is at an age where she says "hi" to absolutely everyone. She will make her rounds at a restaurant, stopping to wave and say "hi" to each waiter, customer and virtually anyone that will look at her. Even to people who do not look at her.

She made her way through our packed church lobby this morning waving "hi" at everyone. Evvveryone. There is a second story in the looby with a landing and my girl looked up, found a willing participant looking down over the lobby and waved at him until he saw her, smiled and waved back.

As her mommy, and as an adult somewhat acclimated to the social nuances of being an adult, sometimes- it's a little off putting. Most people love it. They absolutely light up at being SEEN. I have seen the saddest and most distant faces light up like a Christmas tree at being seen and waved at by a beautiful little girl. That's not what is off putting.

What is unslettling is those who look so dismal and even after being waved at and said hello to, continue to remain dismal. Not only does my daughter notice this and a shadow will cross her face as she decides to move on (which makes me sad) but I notice it. And it makes me think.

When do we stop seeing each other? When do we stop saying or even initiating a "hi" to someone? What age does that come when we think that not many people actually want to say hi to us? Is my daughter already noticing this? When will the light in her fade as she understands that not everyone will be delighted to hear from her? Some people will be scared, sad, uneasy, nervous, angry or even disappointed to hear from her. I think there is still a a part of me that loves saying "hi" to people. I hope that this light always remains in my daughter.

Children can teach us so much. To those you love, appreciate, find humor or delight in- please today say "hi". Take that communication leap and let them know that today, you SEE them.

I betcha you'll get a smile.

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